
About Zerox…

Zerox is a god from the divine lineage of Zircon, a being of immense power and responsibility who has descended from Etheriam to Terra. Tasked with the mission of locating Sorceress Uno, whose prolonged absence has raised concern among the divine, Zerox’s journey intertwines the celestial and the mortal. Confident and often tinged with a sharp wit, Zerox’s presence commands attention, yet his underlying sense of duty reveals a profound depth.

A Divine Mission
Descending alongside Nexus, Zerox seeks to uncover the truth behind Uno’s disappearance, but his mission is not without obstacles. The chaotic energy of RAD and the altered nature of Terra challenge his divine perception, forcing him to adapt to a world far removed from Etheriam’s stability.

The Symbolism of the Scarf
Zerox’s signature red scarf is more than an accessory—it is a representation of timelines selectively pruned and held together, signifying the delicate balance of existence. The frayed edges serve as a poignant reminder of the fragility of reality and the weight of his divine responsibility. The scarf serves as a constant guide and talisman as Zerox navigates the complexities of Terra.

The Scythe and Pruning the Timeline
With his divine scythe in hand, Zerox strategically intervenes in Terra’s timeline, pruning the creatures and forces that disrupt the necessary flow of events. Every strike of his blade is deliberate, cutting away at the chaos to preserve what must endure. However, Zerox understands the weight of such decisions, knowing that each act of pruning carries unforeseen consequences.

The Weakening of Power
Since descending to Terra, Zerox has noticed a significant decline in his divine abilities. The mortal plane, ravaged by RAD and fractured by instability, has dulled his celestial powers, forcing him to rely more on strategy, wit, and resilience. Despite this, his confidence and sharp mind make him a formidable ally and a crucial figure in the battle for Terra’s future.

Personality and Skills
Zerox is self-assured, charismatic, and occasionally snarky, though never without purpose. His sharp tongue and deep voice is complemnted by his sharp intellect, and his decisions often reflect the weight of his divine lineage. A master strategist, he places his scythe with precision and purpose, making him both a powerful combatant and a thoughtful leader.

Connection to the Junosis Saga
Zerox bridges the gap between the divine realm of Etheriam and the mortal struggles of Terra. His presence introduces new layers of cosmic intrigue and divine intervention to The Junosis. His weakening powers and the symbolism of his scarf and scythe underscore the delicate balance between creation and destruction, a recurring theme in the saga.

Zerox’s Mission
Zerox’s primary goal is to locate Sorceress Uno, uncover the truth of her fate, and restore balance to a fractured timeline. Along the way, he must adapt to his diminished powers and navigate a world brimming with chaos, all while upholding the principles of his divine lineage.